Thursday, 22 November 2012

Run X+2
Length: 7km
Time: 32
Streets: 2 - Craiglea Drive & Place.
Short morning jog up to Morningside - up through Holy Corner and back via Myreside.
Craiglea Drive - nice open street of Georgian villas. 7/10
Craigievar Square - similar but dead end with footpath into Craiglochart Hill. 8/10
Totals L+25.9, T+111, S+5.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A year and a bit in, the blog finally starts.

Run X+1 (where X is the number of runs completed before blogging commenced).
Length: 18.3km
Time: 1:19
Streets: 3 - Craigievar Court, Square & Wynd.
Nice moderate to fast paced loop out on the old railways to Barnton, a faff around in East Craigs finding the streets by map memory and then back through Corstorphine and Murrayfield.
Craigievar Court - nondescript block in middle of suburbia. 4/10
Craigievar Square - small cul-de-sac of semi-detached houses at end of bigger cul-de-sac. 6/10
Craigievar Wynd - leading to Craigievar Square. 6/10.
This whole area has great potential for urban orienteering. If only I had the time and skills to map it.
Totals L+18.3, T+79, S+3.